Articles on: Trust, Safety, and Privacy

Can tutors use AI on Schoolhouse subworlds or sessions?

At Schoolhouse, our mission is to connect the world through learning. We recognize that AI can be a valuable learning tool and we embrace its use as long as it doesn’t affect the quality of interactions or misrepresent someone’s experience. Participation on Schoolhouse, irregardless of AI usage, should reflect personal understanding to ensure high-quality interactions. AI should not misrepresent someone's knowledge or experience, as authentic contributions are essential to building a trustworthy learning environment. This applies to interactions on all Schoolhouse official channels, such as subworlds (including posts and sessions), slack, and volunteer applications.

If you believe a response, post, or session misuses AI, you can report the content in question as “Poor help quality” and our content review team will investigate.

We encourage all community members to use AI responsibly and contribute their own knowledge and insights, helping us maintain a supportive and effective learning environment for everyone. Thank you for helping us maintain a vibrant and genuine learning community!

Updated on: 06/06/2024

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