How do I contact the Schoolhouse Team?
To contact our User Support Team, please use the Chat feature located in the bottom right-hand corner of the Help Desk. It should look like this: In the event that you do not see the Chat icon, it’s likely that your ad-blockSome readersWhat if I don't receive an email after I attempt to reset my password?
If you signed up for Schoolhouse by signing in directly with your Google account: Schoolhouse will not be able to reset your password since you haven't created a password with Schoolhouse. In the future, we are hoping to create a password reset option for Google users. To change your password, please go directly to your Google account and change your associated password. If you signed up for Schoolhouse by signing in using the username/password option: You can sign out and go tFew readersHow do I check if there is an issue with the website?
To check the website status (or discuss time-sensitive issues with the platform), please visit Please use for feedback, bug reports, and ideas!Few readersWhy am I having issues with Schoolhouse verifying that I have joined Slack?
This might occur because of the email you used to join. Try to make sure that the email you joined Slack with and the email that your Schoolhouse account is linked with are the same. If they are not or if you are still having problems, please email [email protected].Few readersHow can I report a bug?
Click on your profile picture on the bottom left Feedback & Ideas Click on "Give Feedback." Detail the issue and then click "Share Feedback." ( readersHow to Report Tech Issues: the 5-minute Rule
⏰ How to Report Tech Issues: the 5-minute Rule Schoolhouse is serving more people than ever before, which means we’re seeing more issues reported than before! The next couple months will see a greater focus on reinforcing Schoolhouse’s user support and user trust processes. If you haven’t yet, be sure to give your fellow tutors who volunteer to answer questions on the support team a virtual high-five! They’re doing a ton to help learners and parents navigate Schoolhouse. The following isFew readersDoes Schoolhouse have an app?
Schoolhouse does not currently have an app, but it is under development! Although the app is not fully ready yet, you can actually add it to your home screen. The best part is that you'll be able to receive notifications on your mobile device, making it even more convenient to stay connected.Few readers